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About Siddha Medicine

Historical Roots

Siddha medicine has ancient roots in Tamil Nadu, India, and is based on the principles of ancient Siddha saints and sages. It is considered a part of Indian traditional medicine, along with Ayurveda, Unani, and Yoga.

Principles & Beliefs

Siddha medicine believes in the balance of Mukkutram (humors) – Vata, Pitta, and Silethumam. When mukkutram are in balance, it indicates good health. Illness is seen as an imbalance in these doshas, and the goal of Siddha medicine is to restore this balance.

Natural Remedies

Siddha medicine relies heavily on natural remedies derived from plants, minerals, and animal products. These remedies are believed to have healing properties and are used to treat various ailments.

Spiritual Aspects

Siddha medicine is not just about physical health; it also emphasizes spiritual well-being. Practitioners often encourage meditation and yoga practices to maintain mental and spiritual balance.

Gnanasiddhargal Siddha Medical Council
The Open International University for Siddha Herbal Medicines (Holistic Medical)
Registered by the Government of Tamilnadu (Reg. No: 2338/IV/15)

At Gnanasiddhargal Siddha Medical Council, we firmly believe in the wisdom of the ancient Siddhars: “Unave Marunthu, Marunthe Unave” – food is medicine and medicine is food. This profound insight guides our approach to healthcare, where we combine traditional Siddha remedies, dietary supplements, lifestyle management, and yoga to promote holistic healing and healthy living. We adhere to the principles of Siddha medicine, utilizing time-tested herbal and mineral formulations. These remedies, rooted in centuries-old knowledge, are prepared and administered with utmost precision, ensuring their efficacy and safety. Medical Training Courses through Gnanasiddhargal Open University: Courses are conducted in four categories by Gnanasiddhargal Open University (GOIU). They are: Siddha Medicine, Yoga Medicine, Varma Medicine, Panchakarma Medicine.

Siddha Advantage

Siddha medicine believes in prevention from the very beginning of life. It offers unique preventive measures that begin even before birth, ensuring a healthy life from its very inception. Siddha medicine is renowned for its holistic approach to healing. It treats the whole person, addressing physical, psychological, social, and spiritual well-being. This comprehensive approach ensures a balance in all aspects of life. Siddha medicine strength lies in its ability to naturally and completely cure ailments.

Indian Systems of Medicine

The traditional medical systems of Siddha, Ayurveda, Unani and Sowa Rigpa represent the profound wisdom of ancient Indian healing practices. Rooted in centuries of knowledge, these systems are collectively recognized as the Indian Systems of Medicine, each offering unique approaches to holistic well-being.


Siddha medicine, rooted in Tamil culture, is based on the concept of balancing the mukkutram (vata, pitta, and silethumam) to achieve optimal health. Siddha remedies include herbal preparations, minerals, and meditation practices.


Ayurveda, the “science of life,” is a holistic system that focuses on balancing the body, mind, and spirit. It utilizes natural remedies, herbal medicines, diet, and lifestyle practices to prevent and treat various health conditions.


Unani medicine traces its origins to ancient Greece and emphasizes the balance of bodily fluids (humors) to maintain health. Unani treatments incorporate herbal medicines, dietary guidelines, and therapies like cupping and massage.

Sowa Rigpa

Sowa Rigpa, also known as Tibetan medicine, combines elements from Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, and indigenous Tibetan practices. It emphasizes the balance of the three Nyepas (wind, bile, and phlegm) and incorporates herbal medicines.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Siddha Medicine?

Siddha medicine is one of the oldest traditional systems of medicine in India, originating thousands of years ago. It emphasizes holistic healing, treating the body, mind, and spirit as interconnected elements.

What Are Siddha Medicines Made Of?

Siddha medicines are primarily derived from natural sources such as herbs, minerals, and animal products. These ingredients are combined to form medicines that promote natural healing.

Is Siddha Medicine Safe?

Yes, Siddha medicine is considered safe when prescribed and administered by qualified practitioners. The medicines primarily use natural ingredients, reducing the risk of harmful side effects.

Is Siddha Medicine Recognized by Regulatory Authorities?

Yes, Siddha medicine is recognized by the Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy) in India. There are regulatory authorities governing the practice and education of Siddha medicine.

Can Siddha Medicine Be Used Alongside Allopathic Medicine?

It’s advisable to consult healthcare professionals before combining Siddha medicine with allopathic treatments. Some Siddha treatments might interact with allopathic medications, and a healthcare provider can provide personalized advice.

Is Siddha Medicine Only for Physical Ailments?

No, Siddha medicine addresses not only physical ailments but also mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Practices such as yoga and meditation are integral parts of Siddha healing.

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